Welcome to a site about me!


Hi, my name is Caitlin Lindauer. To start of I am an aspiring Web developer and you are visiting my first big web page! This site was made with a lot of time, effort, and some serious back and forth coding. When I used to think about how amazing, fun, and intimidating the whole coding world was and is I never really saw myself actively trying to join that world. After much deliberation here I am.
I was born and, (for the most part), raised in southern California. When I was really little my family moved around every couple of months while my dad was in the air force. Seeing as I have no recollection of that period of my life I normaly claim that I was born and raised in California. My parents meet in college, got married about a year later, then that following year I was born. In my family I have five younger siblings with the youngest being eleven years younger than me.
Outside of my endevor to learn the vast world of code I have a large aray of things I dable in. For starters, I love just about any form of art. From playing the guitar to sketching anime characters, writing intense not so short stories that I can never really complete to baking. I love playing sports but only as a fun thing with friends and family. Recently I have been getting more and more into a variety of board games. Which hobbies I am currently into doing can change back and forth, but I never stop loving those activities.


Future Project
First Website

Contact Information

Check out my Linkedin here. For more of my projects visit my github here. To best get in contact with me email me at this address and if link is not working, it is clilos018@gmail.com.